Mar 14, 2020 By: Drive Digital

More or less everyone is living in the virtual world. And of course, businesses follow their customers. And therefore, even they have shifted to the digital world. 

And thanks to the online world, provides multiple platforms for businesses. One of them is E-Commerce. Now that the customers are virtually breathing on the internet, the E-Commerce businesses are also blooming. 

But is it just the customers? Well, of course, customers are most important. But there are other techniques also, that ensure your win in the race. 

One of them is CONTENT. I have been repeatedly talking about the importance of content and how you should strategize your content marketing. If you have missed out on anything, you can always go back and have a peek at my previous blogs. 

Today I am dedicatedly going to talking about effective content branding that no e-commerce should ignore in 2020.

As the online world has grown from being an infant to an adolescent, e-commerce businesses have also grown. But like I said, it is just not one factor that helps you grow. Of course, most of the credit goes to digitization. But not all of it. 

It takes lots of effort and planning to make sure your business gains recognition and gains popularity. 

And if I specifically talk about e-commerce, it takes the extra mile to reach the finish line. Effective branding techniques are one thing that you cannot ignore. 

Today I am going to tell you the secret to growing your e-commerce business. 

Branding Techniques to Grow Your E-Commerce Business

Like I said, branding techniques are simply indispensable. And one of the main components of branding is – CONTENT. You need to pay extra attention to your content branding strategies and draft them very carefully. 

Of course, every business’s goal is customer satisfaction. So should your content marketing aim also be? Your content should revolve around your customers and give them exactly what they want to see. Below are some tips that you should adopt for an immaculate content branding for your e-commerce business.

Identify and Organise Your Demographics:

Success of your e-commerce business depends on identifying who your customers are and segregating them accordingly. Yes I know you know traffic, lots and lots of it. But will it be helpful if you get irrelevant traffic, which is not giving you any business? Or genuine traffic who will convert to be your loyal customers?

Of course the latter one. So focus and drive only relevant traffic for this you need to know two things:

The Origin of your audience:

One of the important things in your business is knowing who your customer is. If you know who you need to target, things become a lot more easier and it also saves time. There are plenty of tools that can help you identify your target audience. 

With the help of these tools, you can gather the desired data about your customer. Once you identify your audience, next is where they are coming from. By identifying the origin from where most of your  audience is coming from, it will help you play around with your local SEO. 

Knowing who your audience is and where the origin is, you will be able to optimize your website accordingly where the demand is highest and gain relevant traffic.


Valuable Customers = Higher Returns:

Basically there are three types of customers – loyal, temporary and irrelevant. The one that deserve your importance are your loyal customers. Focus on retaining the existing customers and you can also try to convince the temporary customers to become loyal one. 

You need to dig in a little deeper to get to know your loyal customers and optimize your content accordingly to them. Do some research about the buying behaviour of your customers, what they like, how they search and match your content to their demands. If you achieve this, the visibility of your -commerce business will automatically increase. 

Focus on the customers that will bring you higher returns. This means that you need to focus on the loyal and temporary customers. 

EAT is Important. Optimize Your Content According to it:

There is no doubt that if you wish to rule the digital world, you need to keep the iant happy. In short, you need to come into the eyes of Google, if you wish to rank on the Internet. And if you have to please Google, you need to please its algorithms. 

And pleasing the algorithms means, qualifying for the Google quality standards. And when it comes to clearing the quality standards, you need to optimize according to EAT – Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness.

Gain Expertise:
While drafting content for your e-commerce site, make sure it shows your expertise. The customers will believe in your products if you provide them with detailed information about your products. This expertise content will not only build authenticity but also increase your site’s visibility. 


Build Authoritativeness:
Once you gain expertise and your content mirror it, you gain authority over your competitors. You need to be very precise in the content that you provide to your audience. One thing that you should keep in mind while creating your content is to focus on the intention of the audience who is searching for your products or services. 

Gain Trust:
After establishing expertise and building authority, next to that you need to work on is gain trust. Make sure your content is authentic and genuine, only then you can gain the trust of your audience. Other than providing authentic content, one way of gaining the trust of your customers is by sharing testimonials, certifications, and recognitions. 

Work on Impactful Promotional Strategies:

Of course, I don’t need to point out that one picture speaks a thousand words and one video speaks about a thousand pictures. Therefore focus on adding visuals and creative media in your promotional strategy.

Just Graphs are Not Enough:
Content is not just about text. Pictures, data, charts, graphs, videos, everything is content. While drafting your content marketing strategy, you need to include all of them. This will help you make a good impression on your audience. 


Provide Information:
Your customer will be convinced and impressed, only if you show them that they already don’t see it anywhere else. In short, show them your offer details, unusual scheme, exciting discounts, etc. All you have to do is lure your customers. 

Promote on Multiple Channels:
If it is about the digital world, it has to be about multiple channels. Promoting only on one channel will not be enough. If you wish to reach a high number of audience, you need to approach them on all the channels that they are available at. 

Reviews Are More Important Than You Think:

Like I said earlier, gaining the trust of your customers is very important. And I also said that one way of doing this is by publishing their testimonials. But the question is, how in the first place to get these testimonials? You can do this by:

Reach Out To Your Customer:
A customer, who has been loyal to your brand will not step back from giving a review. But the point is they will not do it on their own. You need to take an extra step. Do not hesitate to reach out to your customers. Drop them a personalized email after they buy your product. Ask them to fill a review form or lure them with the privileges they will enjoy for being a loyal customer.


Request For Reviews:
When you reach out to them, ask them to share their experiences with you and leave a review for your products. These reviews will not only help you build credibility and gain trust but also help you to rectify your loopholes. 

Taking Support From Influencers Is A Good Idea:

Influencer marketing is another way of luring in your customers. And I am sure you are well aware of the power online media. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to gain trust. Especially if the word is spread by a well known online celebrity. Look out for bloggers that can influence your audience. 

All Types of Influencers Are Important:

Influencers can definitely help you generate relevant traffic and increase lead generation as well as conversion. This will multiply if you reach out to more than one influencer. And it will add up if different influencers are from different tiers.


Try For Range of Different Domain Authority:

Other than influencing the audience, influencer marketing can get you other opportunities also. How? Simple. Your website rank will automatically increase, once your site starts receiving inbound links from influencer bloggers. In short, off-page optimization and link building build your site rank also. 

Hope you understood the importance of content branding and how it can help you improve your e-commerce business and take it to heights. Try these effective branding tips and share your experience in the comment box below.  

But one thing that you need to keep in mind while optimizing your content is, getting e-commerce sites to rank on Google. However, it is difficult, not impossible. Do not miss out on any updates and trends and you will get the desired results. 

Please feel free to share your views on this blog and also let me know if you wish to read on any particular topic.

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